“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -

Zhang Q* (Correspondent author), Fujita M (2024). Why Nature Evolved GPI-anchored proteins: Unique Structure Characteristics Enable Versatile Cell Surface Functions. Glycobiology. 2024 Nov12: cwae089. doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwae089.
Zhang Q* (Correspondent author)(2024).The 1st International Symposium on GPI and its Deficiency: Bridging Basic Research to Medical Frontiers in PNH and IGD. Glycobiology. Nov 12: cwae091, https://doi.org/10.1093/glycob/cwae091
Zhang Q*(Correspondent author), Kandasamy L, Tsukamoto M, Inoue K, Pires M, Shin MS, Tanaka M, Nagasawa Y, Sambuu T, Itohara S, Ogawa S, Young L(2022). Transcriptional lability of brain oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) generates diversity in brain OXTR distribution and social behaviors. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Preprint Biorxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.01.518660
Larry Young, Qi Zhang. (2021) On the origins of social behavior diversity. The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology. Invited Review.
Kandasamy LC, Tsukamoto M, Banov V, Tsetsegee S, Nagasawa Y, Kato M, Matsumoto N, Takeda J, Itohara S, Ogawa S, Young LJ, Zhang Q*(Correspondent author). (2021) Limb-clasping, cognitive deficit and increased vulnerability to kainic acid-induced seizures in neuronal glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency mouse models. Human Molecular Genetics. 2021 Feb 19. https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddab052
Masuda A, Sano C, Zhang Q, Goto H, McHugh T, Fujisawa S, Itohara S.(2020) The hippocampus encodes delay and value information during delay-discounting decision making. Elife 2020 Feb 20;9:e52466. doi: 10.7554/eLife.52466.
Zhang Q*(Correspondent author), Kobayashi Y, Goto H, and Itohara S.(2018) An automated T-Maze based apparatus and protocol for analyzing delay- and effort-based decision making in free moving rodents. J. Vis. Exp., 2018 Aug 2;(138). doi:10.3791/57895. https://www.jove.com/video/57895?status=a59901k
Masuda A, Sano C, Zhang Q, Goto H, McHugh T, Fujisawa S, Itohara S.(2018) The hippocampus encodes delay and value information during delay-discounting decision making. Biorxiv, 2018 December; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/495598
Prosselkov P, Zhang Q, Goto H, Polygalov D, McHugh TJ, Itohara S. (2018). Behavior variability of a conditional gene knockout mouse as a measure of subtle phenotypic trait expression. The case of mouse brain executive function distortion. BioRxiv, doi: ttps://doi.org/10.1101/229856
Prosselkov P, Zhang Q, Goto H, Polygalov D, McHugh T, Itohara S. (2017) Molecular correlation of mouse executive function. Top-down and bottom-up complementations by presynaptic vertebrate brain-specific Ntng gene paralogs. Biorxiv, 2017 July; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/139444
Zhang Q, Sano C, Masuda A, Ando Reiko, Tanaka M, Itohara S.(2016) Netrin-G1 regulates fear-like and anxiety-like behaviors in dissociable neural circuits Scientific Reports June; doi: 10.1038/srep28750
Zhang Q, Goto H, Akiyoshi-Nishimura S, Prosselkov P, Sano C, Matsukawa H , Yaguchi K, Nakashiba T, and Itohara S.(2016) Diversification of behavior and postsynaptic properties by Netrin-G presynaptic adhesion family proteins. Molecular Brain Jan 8;9(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s13041-016-0187-5
Prosselkov P, Polygalov D, Zhang Q, McHugh T, Itohara S.(2016) Cognitive domains function complementation by NTNG gene paralogs. Biomed Genet Genomics Volume 1(1): 24-33; doi: 10.15761/BGG.1000105
Prosselkov P, Hashimoto R, Polygalov D, Ohi K, Zhang Q, McHugh T, Takeda M , Itohara S.(2016) Cognitive endophenotypes of modern and extinct hominins associated with Ntng gene paralogs. Biomed Genet Genomics Volume 1(1): 5-13; doi: 10.15761/BGG.1000103
Matsukawa H, Nishimura S, Zhang Q, Luján R, Goto H, Yaguchi K, Hashikawa T, Shigemoto , Itohara S.(2014) Netrin-G/NGL complexes encode functional synaptic diversification. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(47):15779-92
Ono K, Clvairoly A, Nomura T, Gotoh H, Uno A, Armant O, Zhang Q, Takebayashi H, Shimamura K, Itohara S, Parras CM, Ikenaka K. (2014) Development of the prethalamus is crucial for thalamocortical projection formation and is regulated by Olig2. Development. 141(10):2075-84
TED Talk by Larry
Yu Hirota, Aki Arai, Larry J. Young, Yoji Osako, Kazunari Yuri, Shinichi Mitsui. Oxytocin receptor antagonist reverses the blunting effect of pair bonding on fear learning in monogamous prairie voles. Hormones and Behavior. 2020 120:104685.
Saori Yokoi, Kiyoshi Naruse, Yasuhiro Kamei, Yoshihito Taniguchi, Satoshi Ansai, Masato Kinoshita, Takeo Kubo, Teruhiro Okuyama, Shinichi Nakagawa, Larry J. Young, Hideaki Takeuchi. Involvement of the oxytocin system for adaptive mate choice in both sexes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2020. 117 (9) 4802-4808.
Kengo Horie, Kiyoshi Inoue, Shingo Suzuki, Saki Adachi, Saori Yada, Takashi Hirayama, Shizu Hidema, Larry J. Young*, Katsuhiko Nishimori*. (*equal contribution as senior author). (2019). Oxytocin receptor knockout prairie voles generated by CRISPR/Cas9 editing show reduced preference for social novelty and exaggerated repetitive behaviors. Hormones and Behavior. 111:60-69.
Zhixiong He, Larry Young, Qianqian Guo, Limin Wang, Yang Yang, Luo Luo, Wei Yuan, Laifu Li, Jing Zhang, Wenjuan Hou, Fadao Tai. (2019) Increased anxiety and decreased sociability induced by paternal deprivation involve the PVN-PrL OTergic pathway. eLife. 2019;8:e44026
Yoji Osako, Reiko Nobuhara, Young-Chang P. Arai, Kenjiro Tanaka, Larry J. Young, Makoto Nishihara, Shinichi Mitsui, Kazunari Yuri. (2018) Partner loss in monogamous rodents: Modulation of pain and emotional behavior in male prairie voles. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80:62-68.
Hasse Walum and Larry J. Young (2018). The Neural Mechanisms and Circuity of the Pair Bond. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 19(11):643-654.
Elizabeth A. Amadei, Zachary V. Johnson, Yong Jun Kwon, Aaron C. Shpiner, Varun Saravanan, Wittney D. Mays, Steven J. Ryan, Hasse Walum, Donald G. Rainnie, Larry J. Young & Robert C. Liu. (2017) Dynamic corticostriatal activity biases social bond formation in female prairie voles. Nature, 546(7657):297-301.
James P. Burkett, Elissar Andari, Zachary V. Johnson, Daniel C. Curry, Frans B. M. de Waal and Larry J. Young. (2016) Oxytocin-dependent consolation behavior in rodents. Science. 351:375-378.
Larry J. Young and Catherine E. Barrett (2015) Can oxytocin treat autism. Science, 347:825-826 PMC4362686
James K. Rilling and Larry J. Young. (2014) The Biology of Mammalian Parenting and its Impact on Offspring Social Development. Science. 345: 771-776 PMC4306567
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